{% block head %} {% block title %} {% endblock %} {% block head_style %} {% endblock %} {% endblock %} {{ external_javascript_dependencies() }}
{% block main %}
{# We keep the "AknLogin-title" class for the compatibility with the following behat step: \Pim\Behat\Context\NavigationContext::iAmLoggedInThroughTheUi #}
{% block messages %} {% if app.session.flashbag.peekAll|length > 0 %} {% for type, messages in app.session.flashbag.all %} {% for message in messages %}
{{ message|trans|raw }}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% block content %} {% endblock content %}
{{ 'pim_login.footer.powered'|trans }} {{ 'pim_login.footer.powered_image_title'|trans|e }}
Unlocking Growth Through Product Experiences
{% endblock main %}
{% block deferred_javascript %} {% endblock %}