{% extends "@PimNotification/Email/notification.txt.twig" %} {% block emailMessage %} Dear {{ email }}, {% if jobExecution.status.unsuccessful %} Akeneo completed your "{{ jobExecution.jobInstance.label }}" job with errors. {% else %} Akeneo successfully completed your "{{ jobExecution.jobInstance.label }}" job. {% endif %} Started on {{ jobExecution.startTime|date("Y-m-d") }} at {{ jobExecution.startTime|date("H:i:s") }}. Ended on {{ jobExecution.endTime|date("Y-m-d") }} at {{ jobExecution.endTime|date("H:i:s") }}. Results: {% for stepExecution in jobExecution.stepExecutions %} - {{ stepExecution.stepName|trans }} [{{ stepExecution.status }}] {% endfor %} {% if akeneo_pim_url is not empty %} You can view full summary at : {{ akeneo_pim_url ~ '/#' ~ path('akeneo_job_process_tracker_details', {'id': jobExecution.id}) }} {% else %} You should set the AKENEO_PIM_URL environment variable to view summary. {% endif %} {% endblock %}