<%= _.__('How to Import Data from AKENEO CUSTOM CSV IMPORT Module.') %>
  1. <%= _.__('Create Template.') %>
    1. <%- _.__('Go to') %> <%- _.__('Mapping Templates') %> <%- _.__('tab.') %>
    2. <%- _.__('Click on') %> <%- _.__('Create Template.') %>
    3. <%- _.__('Fill') %> <%- _.__('Template Name.') %>
    4. <%= _.__('and click on Save button.') %>
  2. <%= _.__('Create mapping between akeneo attribute and custom CSV fields.') %>
  3. <%= _.__('Then, In the last of the same page add category and family field.') %>
  4. <%= _.__('Then Goto to Import jobs and create a Job for Akeneo Custom Csv Import.') %>
  5. <%= _.__('Select a template in the job for Import and confiure some other option inside Global settings tab.') %>
  6. <%= _.__('Run that job to import data from csv.') %>
Module Version: 1.0.0