<%- _.__('Logs Setting') %>
<%- _.__('Enable API Request Logs') %>
checked <% } %> >
<%- _.__('Enable API Response Logs') %>
checked <% } %> >
<%- _.__('Download log') %>
<%- _.__('Tags Export Setting') %>
<%- _.__('Do you want to pull tags as') %>
<%- _.__('Named Tags') %>
<% _.__('?') %>
checked <% } %> >
<%- _.__('Do you want to pull through the attribute name as well in tags ?') %>
checked <% } %> >
<%- _.__('Do you want to pull through the Metric UNIT name as well in tags ?') %>
checked <% } %> >
<%- _.__('Use Attribute Name Separator in Tags') %>
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['others']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['others']['tag-seprator']) !== 'undefined' ? model['others']['tag-seprator'] : '' %>
<% _.each(seprators, function(label, value) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- label %>
<% }); %>
<%- _.__('Meta Fields Export Setting') %>
Use Key
for Meta Field as Attribute Code / Label
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['others']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['others']['metaFieldsKey']) !== 'undefined' ? model['others']['metaFieldsKey'] : '' %>
<% _.each({'code': 'Attribute Code', 'label':'Attribute Label'}, function(label, value) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- label %>
<% }); %>
Use Namespace
for Meta Field as Attribute Group Code / global
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['others']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['others']['metaFieldsNameSpace']) !== 'undefined' ? model['others']['metaFieldsNameSpace'] : '' %>
<% _.each({'code': 'Attribute Group Code', 'global':'global'}, function(label, value) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- label %>
<% }); %>
<%- _.__('Strip Tags of Meta Fields Value') %>
checked <% } %> >
<%- _.__('Other Setting') %>
<%- _.__('Remove Extra fractional Zeros of Metric Attribute Value (e.g. 201.2000 as 201.2) ') %>
checked <% } %> >
<%- _.__('Value for Option Name as Attribute Label (By Default Attribute Code') %>
checked <% } %> >