<%- _.__('mapping_message') %>
Map Product/Category
<%- _.__('Attribute mapping') %>
<%- _.__('shopify.field_label') %>
<%- _.__('shopify.field_in_akeneo') %>
<%- _.__('shopify.field_value') %>
<% _.each(fields, function (field, key) { if(field.mapping && field.mapping.indexOf('export') != -1) { %>
<%- _.__(field.label) %>
[<%- field.name %>]
readonly="readonly"<% } %> <% if(field && typeof(field.multiselect) !== 'undefined' && field.multiselect) { %>multiple="multiple" <% } %> > <% if(!field || typeof(field.multiselect) === 'undefined' || !field.multiselect) { %>
<%- _.__('Select Akeneo Attribute') %>
<% } %> <% selectVal = model && typeof(model['settings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['settings'][field.name]) !== 'undefined' ? model['settings'][field.name] : '' %> <% updatedAttributes = _.extend(attributes); if( typeof(field.multiselect) != 'undefined' && field.multiselect && typeof selectVal === "object") { _.each(selectVal, function(field) { attribute = _.find(updatedAttributes, function(a) { return a.code === field; }); updatedAttributes = _.without(updatedAttributes, _.findWhere(updatedAttributes, { code: field })); if(attribute) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } }); } %> <% _.each(updatedAttributes, function(attribute) { %> <% if(attribute.code == 'Family' && field.name != 'tags') { } else if( attribute.code == 'GroupCode' && field.name != 'tags') { } else if(field.types.indexOf(attribute.type) !== -1 || $.inArray(attribute.code, ['Family', 'GroupCode']) !== -1 ) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<% if(field && typeof(field.multiselect) !== 'undefined' && field.name !=="tags") { %>
checked="checked" <% } %> data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-original-title="<%- _.__('Concatenate multiple attribute values into a single value') %>." > <% } else { %>
<% } %>
<% if('undefined' !== typeof(field.tooltip) ) { %>
<% } %>
readonly="readonly"<% } %> >
<% } }); %>
<%- _.__('Shopify Other mappings') %>
<%- _.__('Attributes to be used as Images') %>
( <%- _.__('Only these images will be used in export') %> )
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['others']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['others']['images']) !== 'undefined' ? model['others']['images'] : '' %> <% _.each(imageAttrs, function(attribute) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% }); %>
<%- _.__('Associations to be used as Meta fields (handle of assosiated products would be exported as meta fields. works only when handle is mapped above)') %>
(<%- _.__('namespace: global') %>)
disabled <% } %>> <% selectVal = model && typeof(model['others']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['others']['meta_fields_associations']) !== 'undefined' ? model['others']['meta_fields_associations'] : '' %> <% _.each(associations, function(association) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(association.labels[currentLocale]) ? association.labels[currentLocale] : association.code %>
<% }); %>
<%- _.__('Attribute to be used as metafield') %>
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['others']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['others']['meta_fields_string']) !== 'undefined' ? model['others']['meta_fields_string'] : '' %> <% _.each(attributes, function(attribute) { %> <% if(['pim_reference_data_multiselect', 'pim_reference_data_simpleselect', 'pim_catalog_image'].indexOf(attribute.type) === -1) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<%- _.__('Attributes to be used as Meta fields') %>
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['others']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['others']['meta_fields_integer']) !== 'undefined' ? model['others']['meta_fields_integer'] : '' %> <% _.each(attributes, function(attribute) { %> <% if(!(['pim_catalog_number'].indexOf(attribute.type) === -1)) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['others']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['others']['meta_fields_json']) !== 'undefined' ? model['others']['meta_fields_json'] : '' %> <% _.each(attributes, function(attribute) { %> <% if(!(['pim_catalog_textarea', 'pim_catalog_text'].indexOf(attribute.type) === -1)) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<%- _.__('Quick Export Currency Mapping') %>
<%- _.__('Currency') %>
<%- _.__('Select Currency') %>
<% _.each(currencies, function (currency, key){ %>
selected = "selected" <%};%> > <%- _.__(currency) %>
<% }); %>