<%= _.__('How to Setup:') %>
  1. <%= _.__('Get credentials of Private App from shopify Admin panel.') %>
    1. <%- _.__('From your Shopify admin, go to') %> <%- _.__('Apps') %>.
    2. <%- _.__('Click') %> <%- _.__('Manage private apps.') %>.
    3. <%- _.__('Click') %> <%- _.__('Create new private app.') %>.
    4. <%= _.__('In the Description section, enter a Private app name.') %>
    5. <%= _.__('In the Permissions section, select Read and Write Permission for Product information and Products, variants and collections.') %>
    6. <%= _.__("When you're done, click Save. Use API key and password along with your Shop Front Url as Credentials.") %>
  2. <%= _.__('Goto Setup Credentials tab and enter your Api credentials and Save credentials.') %>
  3. <%= _.__('Then, goto Attribute Mapping tab and Attribute Mapping.') %>
<%= _.__('How to Export Data to Shopify Store:') %>
  1. <%= _.__('Goto Export jobs and Create a job with by entering code, label and Selecting Shopify Export Job.') %>
  2. <%= _.__('After creating job Goto Content tab Add neccessary Filters in FILTER THE DATA and FILTER THE PRODUCTS. After that Save job.') %>
  3. <%= _.__('Run job whenever you want to Export Product by navigating to Export profiles >> Shopify Job and Clicking on Export now') %>
Module Version: <%- moduleVersion %>