<%- _.__('magento2.magento.field.group') %>
<%- _.__('magento2.akeneo.field.group') %>
<%- _.__('magento2.akeneo.child_field.group') %>
<% _.each(fields, function (field, key) { %>
<%- _.__('undefined' !== typeof(field.label) ? field.label : field.name) %>
[<%- field.name %>]
disabled <% } %>>
<%- _.__('Select Attribute') %>
<% selectVal = mapping && typeof(mapping) !== 'undefined' && typeof(mapping[field.name]) !== 'undefined' ? mapping[field.name] : '' %> <% _.each(attributes, function(attribute) { %> <% if(!field.types || field.types.indexOf(attribute.type) !== -1 ) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> <% if((attribute.code != selectVal && _.indexOf(mappedAttributesCode, attribute.code) != -1)) { %> disabled <% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<% if('undefined' !== typeof(field.dynamic) && field.dynamic) %>
<% else if('undefined' !== typeof(field.tooltip) ) { %>
<% } %>
disabled <% } %>>
<%- _.__('Select Attribute') %>
<% selectVal = childmapping && typeof(childmapping) !== 'undefined' && typeof(childmapping[field.name]) !== 'undefined' ? childmapping[field.name] : '' %> <% _.each(attributes, function(attribute) { %> <% if(!field.types || field.types.indexOf(attribute.type) !== -1 ) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> <% if((attribute.code != selectVal && _.indexOf(mappedAttributesCode, attribute.code) !== -1)) { %> disabled <% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<% if('undefined' !== typeof(field.dynamic) && field.dynamic) %>
<% else if('undefined' !== typeof(field.tooltip) ) { %>
<% } %>
<% }); %>
<%- _.__('Map more Standard Attributes') %>
<%- _.__('Magento Standard attribute code') %>
<%- _.__('Add Field') %>
<%- _.__('Other Mappings') %>
<%- _.__('Attributes to be used as Images') %>
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['otherMappings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings']['images']) !== 'undefined' ? model['otherMappings']['images'] : '' %> <% _.each(imageAttrs, function(attribute) { %> <% if(attribute.type == 'pim_catalog_image' || attribute.type == 'pim_catalog_asset_group') { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<%- _.__('Select all') %>
<%- _.__('Deselect all') %>
<%- _.__('Attributes to be used as Image alts') %>
(Attributes must be same order as images)
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['otherMappings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings']['images_alts']) !== 'undefined' ? model['otherMappings']['images_alts'] : '' imagesAttrs = model && typeof(model['otherMappings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings']['images']) !== 'undefined' ? model['otherMappings']['images'] : ''; %>
<% if(selectVal.length && imagesAttrs.length == selectVal.length ) { %> disabled_wrapper <% } %> <% _.each(imageAlts, function(attribute) { %> <% if(attribute.type == 'pim_catalog_text') { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<%- _.__('Attributes to be used as Custom Attributes (For Export)') %>
(Also add all Select and Variant fields here)
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['otherMappings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings']['custom_fields']) !== 'undefined' ? model['otherMappings']['custom_fields'] : '' %> <% _.each(attributes, function(attribute) { %> <% if(['pim_catalog_identifier', 'pim_catalog_file', 'pim_catalog_image', 'pim_reference_data_multiselect', 'pim_reference_data_simpleselect'].indexOf(attribute.type) === -1) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> <% if((attribute.code != selectVal && _.indexOf(mappedAttributesCode, attribute.code) !== -1)) { %> disabled <% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<%- _.__('Select all') %>
<%- _.__('Deselect all') %>
<%- _.__('Attributes to be used as Custom Attributes (For Import)') %>
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['otherMappings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings']['import_custom_fields']) !== 'undefined' ? model['otherMappings']['import_custom_fields'] : '' %> <% _.each(attributes, function(attribute) { %> <% if(['pim_catalog_identifier', 'pim_catalog_file', 'pim_catalog_image', 'pim_reference_data_multiselect', 'pim_reference_data_simpleselect'].indexOf(attribute.type) === -1) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> <% if((attribute.code != selectVal && _.indexOf(mappedAttributesCode, attribute.code) !== -1)) { %> disabled <% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<%- _.__('Select all') %>
<%- _.__('Deselect all') %>
<%- _.__('Video Attributes Mapping') %>
Video Attribute
Preview Image
<% _.each(videoRows, function(videoRow, index) { %>
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['otherMappings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings']['videoAttrsMapping']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings']['videoAttrsMapping'][index]) !== 'undefined' ? model['otherMappings']['videoAttrsMapping'][index]['video'] : '' %>
<%- _.__('Select Video URL Attribute') %>
<% _.each(attributes, function(attribute) { %> <% if(attribute.type == 'pim_catalog_text') { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<% selectVal = model && typeof(model['otherMappings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings']['videoAttrsMapping']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings']['videoAttrsMapping'][index]) !== 'undefined'? model['otherMappings']['videoAttrsMapping'][index]['video_images'] : '' %>
<%- _.__('Select Video Preview Image Attribute') %>
<% _.each(videoImagesAttrs, function(attribute) { %> <% if(attribute.type == 'pim_catalog_image') { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<% }); %>
Add Mapping Row
<%- _.__('Image Role Mapping (For simple and Product model)') %>
<% selectImages = model && typeof(model['otherMappings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings']['images']) !== 'undefined' ? model['otherMappings']['images'] : '' _.each(imageRoles, function(imageRole, imageRoleKey) { %>
<% if(_.isEmpty(selectImages)) { %>
<%- _.__('Select Image Attribute') %>
<% } selectVal = model && typeof(model['otherMappings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings'][imageRole]) !== 'undefined' && model['otherMappings'][imageRole] != 'Select Image Attribute' && model['otherMappings'][imageRole] ? model['otherMappings'][imageRole] : defaultImage %> <% _.each(imageAttrs, function(attribute) { %> <% if(attribute.type == 'pim_catalog_image' && selectImages.indexOf(attribute.code) !== -1) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<% }); %>
<%- _.__('Image Role Mapping (For variant product)') %>
<% selectImages = model && typeof(model['otherMappings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings']['images']) !== 'undefined' ? model['otherMappings']['images'] : '' _.each(childImageRoles, function(imageRole, imageRoleKey) { %>
<% if(_.isEmpty(selectImages)) { %>
<%- _.__('Select Image Attribute') %>
<% } selectVal = model && typeof(model['otherMappings']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(model['otherMappings'][imageRole]) !== 'undefined' && model['otherMappings'][imageRole] != 'Select Image Attribute' && model['otherMappings'][imageRole] ? model['otherMappings'][imageRole] : defaultImage %> <% _.each(imageAttrs, function(attribute) { %> <% if(attribute.type == 'pim_catalog_image' && selectImages.indexOf(attribute.code) !== -1) { %>
selected="selected"<% } %> > <%- 'undefined' !== typeof(attribute.labels[currentLocale]) ? attribute.labels[currentLocale] : attribute.code %>
<% } %> <% }); %>
<% }); %>