<%= _.__('How to Setup:') %>
  1. <%= _.__('Generate Api credentials from your Magento Store.') %>
    1. <%= _.__('Log in to Admin and click System > Integrations to display the Integrations page.') %>
    2. <%= _.__('Click Add New Integration to display the New Integration page.') %>
    3. <%= _.__('Enter a unique name for the integration in the Name field. Then enter your admin password in the Your Password field. Leave all other fields blank.') %>
    4. <%- _.__('Click the API tab. Select the Magento resources the integration can access. You can select all resources, or select a custom list.' ) %>
    5. <%= _.__('Click Save to save your changes and return to the Integrations page.') %>
    6. <%= _.__('Click the Activate link in the grid that corresponds to the newly-created integration.' ) %>
    7. <%= _.__('Click Allow.') %> <%- _.__('A dialog similar to the following displays:') %> <%- _.__('REST client') %>'
    8. <%= _.__('Copy Credentials and Paste in Setup credentials tab.') %>
  2. <%= _.__('Goto Setup Credentials tab and enter your store credentials and Save credentials.') %>
  3. <%= _.__('After saving Credentials goto Store view mapping tab and Save mapping.') %>
  4. <%= _.__('Then, goto Setup Attribute Mapping tab and Save attribute mapping.') %>
<%= _.__('How to Export Data to Magento Store:') %>
  1. <%= _.__('Goto Export jobs and Create a job with by entering code, label and Selecting Magento 2 Export Job.') %>
  2. <%= _.__('After creating job Goto Content tab Add neccessary Filters in FILTER THE DATA and FILTER THE PRODUCTS. After that Save job.') %>
  3. <%= _.__('Run job whenever you want to Export Product by navigating to Export profiles >> Magento Job and Clicking on Export now') %>
<%= _.__('Understanding different export jobs:') %>

<%= _.__('There are different export jobs each performing different actions') %>

  1. <%= _.__('Magento 2 Export Job') %> <%= _.__('It exports categories, attribute, attribute options, attribute group family and products based on filters in job.') %> <%= _.__('Product must have a category for including in export.') %>
  2. <%= _.__('Category export to Magento2 Job') %> <%= _.__('It exports only categories. you may filter categories to be exported using filter of this job. Without filters it exports all Category trees. if there is default category tree on Magento then it maps that category root to category root of selected channel in the job.') %> <%= _.__('If you want to use more than one category trees, Then export categories then Select respective category tree as default category tree on Magento 2.') %>
  3. <%= _.__('Attribute export to Magento2 Job') %> <%- _.__('It exports attribute and attributes options. It only export attribute that are mapped in Setup Attribute Mapping tab.') %> <%= _.__('This export attribute but does not add them to group or attribute set. Family export is used for that.') %>
  4. <%= _.__('Family export to Magento2 Job') %> <%= _.__('It exports family(Attribute set) and attribute groups and add already exported attribute to family(Attribute set).') %> <%= _.__('All Attribute group export can be enabled/disabled using Attibute group export setting in Other settings tab.') %>
  5. <%= _.__('Product only export to Magento2 Job') %> <%= _.__('It exports products to Magento2. It also adds categories, attributes, family and variations to product.') %> <%= _.__('You should have exported other data like category, attribute, family prior to this export.') %> <%= _.__('Attribute used as main picture in family is used as thumbnail, small image for products.') %> <%= _.__('User can map attributes like url_key in Attribute mapping tab.') %> <%= _.__('Sometimes url_key of product conficts with url_key of category, in that mapping url_key is very useful.') %>
  6. <%= _.__('Quick export job') %> <%= _.__('It is very handy feature for exporting or updating some products.') %> <%- _.__('It is similar to Product only export to Magento2 Job') %>
Module Version: <%- moduleVersion %>